A build guide exclusive to the console versions of the game
Written by GT SlayaIzaiah
Last updated on July 16th, 2022

The following guide is made for the console versions of the game, as it is meant to make up for the damage lost due to the Nephalem Glory bug: Grim Scythe cast by Simulacrum does not benefit from Nephalem Glory, which results in a loss of ~2.5 GR tiers worth of damage as opposed to the PC version of the game.
However, another difference between Console and PC for this build is that on console, the casting animation for Skeletal Mage does not interrupt any other skill being cast. This means that it is possible to cast Skeletal Mage while casting Grim Scythe, which allows the Necro (and not just the Sims) to benefit from the Leger's Disdain multiplier. On PC, these skills have to be cast separately, so the build usually doesn't use an Essence dump at all.​ The Essence-dump playstyle is unique to consoles and results in extra damage that can make up for the NG bug. Read more about the mechanics and the math here.

Cursed Scythe
Enemies hit by the scythe have a 15% chance to be inflicted with a random curse.

Blood and Bone
Now also creates a Simulacrum of Bone, but the duration is reduced to 10 seconds.

Enemies hit are also stunned for 2 seconds.
Bone Armor's damage is turned into Poison.

Blighted Marrow
Damage is increased by 15% for each enemy Bone Spear passes through.
Bone Spear's damage turns into Poison.

Potency *
Increases your armor by 100% for 2 seconds after casting.

Contamination *
Raise a contaminated mage that channels an aura of decay for 100% weapon damage as Poison for its duration.
* You can run 5 stacks of Nayr's Black Death by using Death Nova Blight + Illusory Boots (Cube) instead of Blood Rush Potency + Steuart's Greaves (Cube). The former has a 20% higher damage output and the latter has the amazing utility of Blood Rush with 125% increased movement speed, which is especially great with The Flavor of Time on your Follower and some good Pylons (even if they don't spawn in an ideal location).
* Another variant can use Skeletal Mage Skeleton Archer + Death Nova Blight + Illusory Boots (Cube) instead of Skeletal Mage Contamination + Blood Rush Potency + Steuart's Greaves (Cube). The former will technically have a slightly higher DPS than the variant that uses 5 Nayr's stacks and will deal with some Rift Guardians better, but will have a slightly harder time getting through the rift.

Increase the attack speed of Bone Spikes, Siphon Blood, and Grim Scythe by 15%.
Why: 15% increased attack speed for Grim Scythe arguably makes this the best passive for this build.

Receive a 1% damage bonus for each enemy afflicted by one of your curses.
Why: since all of the enemies that we attack get cursed via Grim Scythe Cursed Scythe, the extra 1% additive damage per enemy with no apparent cap is a very significant damage increase.

Increase armor by 100%, reduced by 10% for each active minion.
Why: The effectiveness of this gets diminished by our Skeletal Mages but since our two Simulacrums don't diminish this at all, it will still provide a useful amount of toughness.

Your curses cost 50% less Essence and last forever.
Why: a nice choice to help keep the toughness from Dayntee's Binding and keep a higher damage increase from Spreading Malediction.
Alternative: Final Service
This is an LoD build and will use no set bonuses, the only set piece used is Krelm's Buff Bracers for its Legendary Power.
The core pieces of this build consist of:
Haunted Visions
Leger's Disdain
Razeth's Volition
Trag'Oul's Corroded Fang
Depth Diggers
This build is incredibly tanky but most of the "tankiness" is actually just the insane amount of HP recovery from Simulacrum's interaction with Leech. When they hit enemies affected by Leech, they return HP based on their own Max. Life, which is much more than the Max. Life of the Necro.
General Gear Priorities
The survivability of your Sims is the top priority (see below). Prioritize getting Life% on your shoulders, chest and belt, as Life% (and Vitality) double-dips for Simulacrums, giving them more toughness and giving you a huge boost to HP recovery due to their interesting interaction with Leech.
At a minimum, you will want to at least have Area Damage on your shoulders (after Life%).
You should try to at least reach the 29 FPA breakpoint for Grim Scythe, which means you are going for at least 1.7411 APS with the Swift Harvesting passive. A better breakpoint will not only result in higher DPS, but also more recovery from Leech.
Some Target Breakpoints (while using Swift Harvesting):
30 FPA: 1.6831 APS
29 FPA: 1.7411 APS
28 FPA: 1.8033 APS
Try to eventually get all ancient gear pieces to get the full bonus from Legacy of Dreams, but having the correct stats on your gear is usually more beneficial overall.
Simulacrums survivability
The toughness of Simulacrums scale with Vitality and Life%. They are not affected by worn Armor or Damage Reduction. Each simulacrum has Max Life equal to: ((maxLife + (vit * 100)) * 2) * (1 + Life%) * (1 + (Life% / 2)). This means that Life% almost triple dips with Simulacrums.
Using the D3planner as an example, with 1,426,301 Max Life, 7387 vitality, and +93% Life, each simulacrum has 12,242,864 Max Life. ((1,426,301 + (7387 * 100)) * 2) * (1 + 0.93) * (1 + (0.93 / 2)) = 12,242,864.15
Leech returns 2% Max Life multiplied by skill proc coefficient per hit. The proc coefficient of Grim Scythe:Cursed Scythe is 0.48. (0.02*0.48 = 0.0096), so each hit returns 0.0096x Max Life per enemy. Using the D3planner, this means:
Necro(player) returns 13,692.49 HP per hit
Each Simulacrum returns 117,531.49 HP per hit (235,062.99 HP total)
Total of 248,755.48 HP per hit (~94.5% of recovery is from Simulacrums)
With six targets, all of your HP is returned per hit.
​Using the D3planner as an example, with 1,426,301 Max Life, 7387 vitality, and +93% Life, each simulacrum has 12,242,864 Max Life. ((1,426,301 + (7387 * 100)) * 2) * (1 + 0.93) * (1 + (0.93 / 2)) = 12,242,864.15

Legendary Helm
Stat priorities: Attack Speed, Poison%, Socket, Critical Hit Chance
Desired secondary stat: Reduce duration of control impairing effects
* Note: This is a great offensive option for this gear slot
Alternative: Leoric's Crown
Stat priorities: Socket, Critical Hit Chance, Vitality, Intelligence
Desired secondary stat: Reduce duration of control impairing effects
* Note: This is a great defensive option for this slot, especially for lower paragons and on Hardcore, but you will need to make up for the loss of Attack Speed roll by wearing Krysbin's Sentence and cubing Unity ring
Socket: Amethyst for the extra Life% for Simulacrum toughness and our HP recovery

Legendary Chest Armor
Stat priorities: Sockets, Life% / Vitality / Armor, Intelligence
Desired secondary stat: Missile / Melee damage reduction, any resistance
Socket: Amethyst for the extra Life% for Simulacrum toughness and our HP recovery

Legendary Shoulders
Stat priorities: Life%, Area Damage, Vitality, Intelligence
Desired secondary stat: any resistance

Legendary Gloves
Stat priorities: Critical Hit Chance, Critical Hit Damage, Attack Speed, Area Damage
Desired secondary stat: a LOW roll on Immobilize on Hit, any resistance

Legendary Pants
Stat priorities: High legendary power affix, Grim Scythe%, Armor, Vitality, Intelligence
Desired secondary stat: Pickup Radius

Legendary Belt
Stat priorities: Life%, Grim Scythe%, Vitality, Intelligence
Desired secondary stat: any resistance

Legendary Boots
Stat priorities: Armor, Vitality, Intelligence
Desired secondary stat: any resistance (or All Resist primary roll), Pickup Radius

Stat priorities: Poison%, Critical Hit Chance, Vitality, Intelligence
Desired secondary stat: Missile / Melee damage reduction, any resistance
Set Bracers

Legendary Phylactery
Stat priorities: High legendary power affix, Critical Hit Chance, High Damage Range, Grim Scythe%, Area Damage, Intelligence
Desired secondary stat: Maximum Essence

​Legendary Amulet
Stat priorities: Socket, Critical Hit Chance, Critical Hit Damage, Poison%
Desired secondary stat: Missile / Melee damage reduction, Reduce duration of control impairing effects

Legendary Ring
Stat priorities: High legendary power affix, Socket, Critical Hit Chance, Critical Hit Damage, Area Damage
Desired secondary stat: Reduce duration of control impairing effects
* Note: the ring always rolls with primary stat (Intelligence), Critical Hit Chance and Socket. You need to get a perfect ring that already rolled with Critical Hit Damage or Area Damage, where you can re-roll Intelligence to the 4th needed stat.

Legendary Ring
Stat priorities: Socket, Critical Hit Chance, Critical Hit Damage, Elite damage
Desired secondary stat: Reduce duration of control impairing effects
* Note: the ring always rolls with primary stat (Intelligence), Critical Hit Chance and Elite Damage. You need to get a perfect ring where you can re-roll Intelligence to Critical Hit Damage.
Alternative: Krysbin's Sentence

Legendary Ring
Stat priorities: High legendary power affix, Socket, Attack Speed, Critical Hit Damage, Critical Hit Chance
Desired secondary stat: Reduce duration of control impairing effects
* Note: the ring always rolls with Attack Speed and primary stat (Intelligence). You need to get a perfect ring that already rolled with Critical Hit Damage or Critical Hit Chance, where you can re-roll Intelligence to the 4th needed stat.
Alternative: Unity

Legendary Scythe
Stat priorities: High legendary power affix, High damage range, Damage%, Attack Speed, Area Damage
Desired secondary stat: Maximum Essence

Legendary Two-Handed Scythe
​Each different poison skill cast increases the damage of all poison skills by 100% for 15 seconds.

Legendary Boots
Gain 75% - 100% increased movement speed for 10 seconds after using Blood Rush.

Legendary Ring
Deal 100% increased damage against slowed enemies or triple this bonus against enemies afflicted by any other type of control-impairing effect.
Alternative: Unity
While you have no set bonuses equipped, every Legendary item you have equipped increases your damage and reduces your damage taken.
Why: this is the gem that makes the build possible, by allowing to equip 13 synergistic legendary items for up to 9750% increased damage and 52% damage reduction.

Increases the damage of Primary skills.
Why: since Grim Scythe is a Primary Skill, this gem is a natural inclusion in the build.

Each attack you make against an enemy increases the damage it takes from your attacks.
Why: the damage stacking effect is needed to kill the Rift Guardian.
Alternative: In groups use Bane of the Trapped.
Max out Max. Essence for synergy with Ledger's Disdain
Put points into Vitality, aiming for over 1M Max. Life
Put into movement speed enough points to reach 25% overall movement speed
On consoles, it is possible to reduce the cooldown of Scoundrel's skills by rolling CDR on his gear. This allows you to gear him similarly to the Templar and reduce the time on Night's Veil's to 10~ seconds. Click here for example d3planner.
Scoundrel's Skills:​
Crippling Shot vs Powered shot -- ideally you should pick neither if you prefer to reduce the CC effects.
Piercing shot for the extra 10% damage boost.
Night's Veil and Anatomy skills -- great DPS boosts.
The enchantress is a very good option if you're lacking Attack Speed on gear to reach the needed AS breakpoint. Click here for example d3planner.
Enchantress' Skills:​
Temporal Pulse to proc Bane of the Trapped.
Amplification as we don't need cooldown in this build.
Powered Shield is a great defensive option as the necro lacks armor.
Focused Mind for the needed attack speed.
It's best to map Grim Scythe and Simulacrum to the triggers while having the rest of the skills on your primary buttons. This lets you easily keep scything while casting your other skills.
Example of a button configuration:
Grim Scythe: RT on Xbox / R2 on PlayStation / ZR on Switch
Simulacrum: RB on Xbox / R1 on PlayStation / ZL on Switch
Skeletal Mage: A on Xbox / X on PlayStation / B on Switch
Bone Spear: X on Xbox / Square on PlayStation / Y on Switch
Blood Rush: Y on Xbox / Triangle on PlayStation / X on Switch
Bone Armor: B on Xbox / Circle on PlayStation / A on Switch
Always start by casting Simulacrum, you won't have to cast this again unless they die.
Aways making sure to cast Bone Armor Dislocation right at the end of the Physical Cycle of CoE, just before the Poison Cycle.
Cast each of your poison skills once per CoE rotation.
During the Cold and Physical cycles of Convention of Elements you should only cast Skeletal Mage about once every 2 seconds. This is so you still have Essence to cast your other Poison skills and also so you still gain toughness from the Stand Alone passive. During the complete 4 seconds of the Poison cycle, you want to hold down the button for both Skeletal Mage and Grim Scythe for maximum DPS​.
It is important to always be aware of the position of your Simulacrums, and try to position them so that both of their Scythe swings overlap yours. Ideally there will be a point where all three swings intersect and that is where you will output the most damage. You can move your Sims to you by quickly running in a small circle, but getting them positioned correctly will take practice.